To enhance the value of our feeder calves, KBN proposes the MAG (Management And Genetics) -60 (60-day postweaning) program. In this program, KBN will partner with beef producers to synchronize estrus in their beef females for timed insemination. Females will be time-inseminated to reduce the labor costs associated with AI. Producers will AI their females to a small, select group of sires that are proven in their ability to sire productive, profitable calves. The sires used will be selected by a committee that consists of UK Beef Extension Specialists, representatives of the semen supply companies, KBN, and producers. The same sires will be used for the entire project (3 breeding seasons).
Steers sired by AI will be managed according to CPH health requirements and will be backgrounded for a minimum of 60 days postweaning. The calves will be age and source verified and will be subjected to ultrasound to determine potential carcass merit. Thus, we will be marketing feeder steers that are age, source, and genetically verified for superior performance. According to our previous data (see above), these calves are $150 more valuable at harvest than steers from the same herds that are sired by non-proven natural service sires. Marketing agents in Kentucky have predicted that feeder calves that are age, source, and genetically verified are likely worth $7-10 more per hundred than a normal CPH-45 feeder if sold in load lots. Feeders produced in this program will be marketed in co-mingled, CPH-like feeder calf sales.
The heifers from the MAG-60 program will also greatly enhance the ability of our producers to increase profits. First, since all calves will be subjected to carcass ultrasonography, our cooperators herds can retain heifers with the genetic potential to excel in carcass traits. The ultrasound data can also be used to cull the cow herd of low performing mature cows. Second, heifers not retained will be developed and sold in a premium bred-heifer sale. This heifer sale(s) should also increase the cooperator's opportunity to diversify their marketing options and increase the profit potential.
Marketing data indicates that numerous loads of like cattle are needed to optimize market value. To obtain at least 1,000 steers for market, we must AI about 4,000 cows (50-60% conception rate and 50% of each sex). Thus, we need to AI at least 4,000 females a season to ensure 1,000 steers will be available to market.
The Requirements
KBN will provide:
- $20 per female for semen and AI technician charges
- ½ of the cost of the ultrasound
- List of potential sires
- Promotion of the program
Producers will provide:
- All costs for estrus synchronization products (approximately $20-$25)
- Labor and facilities to accomplish the AI
- ½ of the cost of the ultrasound
- Cost for age and source verification
Expectations of producers:
- Provide a healthy, properly conditioned female for estrus synchronization
- Pay for the synchronization pharmaceuticals, labor, and facilities to accomplish the timed AI
- Work with the KBN field representatives and the AI service technicians to coordinate breeding
- Process the cattle to meet CPH-45 health requirements
- Age and source verify the cattle
- Background the cattle for a minimum of 60 days before sale
- Subject the cattle to carcass ultrasound and pay for one-half of the cost
- Market the calves through MAG-60 sales (either feeder calf or bred heifer sales)
- If the producer chooses to market the cattle elsewhere, the producer will reimburse KBN for the full amount of the cost-share ($20 for AI plus the cost of the ultrasound). Cooperators will sign a contract that indicates they will market their feeders through MAG-60 or repay KBN their costs.
Expectations of KBN:
- Provide funding for cost of semen and service ($20)
- Provide funding for one-half the cost of the carcass ultrasonography
- Work with the faculty at the University of Kentucky to develop a list of bulls of various breeds to use and a breeding strategy
- Provide personal service and technical support to organize the estrus synchronization and AI, age and source verification, carcass ultrasonography, and sale dates and delivery
- Promote the MAG-60 sales
Fall 2011 - synchronize and AI 4,000 commercial beef females
Spring 2012 - synchronize and AI 4,000 commercial beef females
Fall 2012 - synchronize and AI 4,000 commercial beef females
We assume that 2400 calves will be sired by AI each of these seasons. We project that we will be able to market 1,140 steers and 740 heifers. We anticipate about 400 heifers to be retained for breeding in the herds of the cooperators.
Potential for Future Research
The University of Kentucky will be collecting hair samples from each cow in every breeding herd. We will also obtain a sample from the bulls used for AI. These samples will be stored and the data collected. The data that will be collected includes shipping weight, post-weaning carcass ultrasonography, conception rate to AI, and cow performance of those heifers that are retained in the breeding herds. We are also plan to work with the marketing agents to obtain as much of the feedlot and carcass performance as possible.
These data will be collected and used to help secure future federal grants. Dr. Darrh Bullock at the University of Kentucky is a member of the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium. This group of geneticists is leading the national effort in identifying genes associated with the important economic traits in beef cattle production. These will be unique data and could help advance our knowledge on the genetic regulation of growth, feedlot performance, and reproductive performance of beef cattle.
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